Use Grunt to Develop a Web Application

Sstart web development recently and use Grunt to run tasks automatically. Once the the configuration file Gruntfile.js is set up, everything will run smoothly. It's straightforward to get started. And there're plenty of plugins that just make life much easier. I'm using jshint, htmlhint, less, watch. They're providing grunt task and you can use them out of box. Besides these plugins, you can also use any npm modules as you use them in your regular JavaScript file. I don't plan to repeat the setup of Grunt and the tasks I list above. I'm going to write down some changes I make to meet my requirements, as well as something that is worth noting.

1. Only compile changed files.

This is done by the task watch and there's an example here

var changedFiles = Object.create(null);
var onChange = grunt.util._.debounce(function() {
    grunt.config('jshint.all.src', Object.keys(changedFiles));
    changedFiles = Object.create(null);
}, 200);
grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath) {
    changedFiles[filepath] = action;

It only checks changes in JavaScript files. Below are the problems I need to solve.

1. Watch changes on other files.

2. Handle the case when a file is deleted.

Let's first look at the parameters that are passed to the event handler for watch. they're action, filepath and target. The parameter target is listed in the above example. It's the target in the task watch which will execute when the file filepath is changed. And the action is "added", "changed", "deleted". And below is the solution I used for solving the above problem.

1. Record the target.
Use a dictionary of a target to a list of changed files instead of the other way as in the example. That is:

grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath, target) {
    var filesForTarget = changedFilesForTargets[target];

    if (filesForTarget === undefined || filesForTarget === null) {
        filesForTarget = [];
        changedFilesForTargets[target] = filesForTarget;


Then in onChange, I iterate through the keys in changedFilesForChanges, and then change the corresponding task/target's file paths.

var targets = Object.keys(changedFilesForTargets);
for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; ++i) {
    switch (targets[i]) {
    case 'target1':
       // similar to the example.
    // more targets.

Note the target name here is the target you set in the task watch.
That's done for adding/changing any file.
2. Handle the action "deleted".
I have all source files (js, less, html) in one folder (let's say src/). And need to compile and copy the result files to another folder (let's say build/). When I delete a file in src/, I also want to delete it from build/. When the action is "deleted", I add the file path to a different list. And in onChange(), I compute the path in build/ and delete the file there. I use fs.unlinkSync() to delete a file. fs is an internal module in node.js

2. File path separator

I want to have it work cross platform. And I want to only copy the changed files from source folder to destination folder. I also need to copy files in other scenarios. So I need to build my own path. I found some cases where separators are mixed on Windows. '/', '\' are used in the same path. I ended up using a node.js internal module path to build the path.

3. Work on cygwin

This may be the trickiest one. I used to run grunt watch in cygwin. When I deleted a file, the watch task didn't start. I tried to debug a couple times and didn't understand it. But when I tried the node.js environment using Windows console. It picked up the deleted changes. So I just used the Windows command line now.

4. Log and debug

I log verbose message with grunt.verbose.writeln() and run commands with option "--verbose" to see more information.

I'm glad I found a task grunt-debug-task. After installed, I can run "grunt debug task:target" to start debugging. It requires node-inspector to run. It will start the Chrome browser and you can debugger your Gruntfile.js like a client side JavaScript file.

The above are what I do and what I learn during my project. It's always good to practice to learn. Grunt is working as expected in my project. Next will be to make it work with cordova and require.js optimization.

Experience and Lessons of Ember.js

The best way to learn is to practice. So I made a small component with Ember.js.
This component is a tree grid. It's a grid, and it acts like a tree too. It presents a tree in a grid. Each node in the tree is a row in the grid. So node and row are used interchangeable. There is a parent-children relationship between rows. All children rows are displayed under their parent row. These children rows are indented. There are operations on rows too. You can choose to show or hide their children rows.
I'm not going to write an Ember.js tutorial. You can find good ones online, for example, and I'm not going through all details of how I made it. You can read the code and history from Github The purpose of this blog is to share the lessons I learned, something that are not obvious or I didn't pay attention to it at the beginning. You may have a much better idea of how to make it and how to use ember.js. But as I began, I made these mistakes.
1. User .get('propertyName') instead of .propertyName.
Accessing to properties directly will give you undefined. e.g. ArrayProxy.length is undefined. You have to use ArrayProxy.get('length') or ArrayProxy.set('length');
It confused me at first, especially when I looked at the API. There is length in ArrayProxy. How come it's undefined. But later I realized that I needed to use get() to get property values. It's documented in the official guide. But I didn't think too much of it at the beginning. I think this is weird to some extent that properties are not accessible directly.
2. Set tagName in view/component.
If it's not set, the default value <div> will be used. Everything in the template is wrapped in the tagName. I think it's always a good idea to set a tagName in view/component because <div> is not always the correct one.

I didn't set tagName in TreeGridRowComponent. Since it's used to show each row in a table, so I had <tr> in the template. This should be in <tbody>. Ember.js wraps the template in <div>. The Html is supposed to be <tbody><div><tr>...</tr></div></tbody>. But for some reason Firefox rearranges it to <div></div><tbody><tr>...</tr></tbody>. It looked fine at the beginning. But when I tried to update the row, it failed. What happened was that Ember.js looked up the target element from <div> element. <tr> was't a descendant of <div> any more. Ember.js failed to find the element and it didttn't do anything.

3. classNameBindings value is an array of string. Each string is a class name or expression to determine the class name. It's in the form ['property1:style1:style2', 'property2:style3:style4'].
You should read this API.
The view API:
4. Css icon
This page explains how it works. Didn't know it before.
Don't need to set both height and width to 0 though.
They'll affect the perceivable width and height.
In my tree grid, I shown the down arrow when the row is expanded and right arrow the the row is collapsed. I used to set both height and width to 0. When I expanded and collapsed, I noticed that the height of the row changed too. So I just set only one of them to zero and the other was the size that the icon should be.
5. Keyboard focus
Focus is always the prerequisite of keyboard events. There is a way to set the focus to the tree grid in initialization.
6 Only one action
One thing I like to be in Ember.js is to support multiple actions. Each component can only send one action now.
There are a few things worth writing down in the end.
There are a few confusions such as render and component and view. There are no clear guidelines when/how to use them.
Action is a good concept to handle semantic events. But it has the limitation that one component/controller can only send one action.
Css icon is an interesting way to draw simple icons. I'm not clear the performance v.s. image icon.

Universe Model

When I talked to one guy in a meetup months ago, this thought stroke me.

The topic turned to be robot, human, life, and then the universe.

Some thoughts are summarized below.
Let's start with the human. There are two possibilities about its origin:
1. It's related to alien. Either it's created by an alien or it's offspring of an alien.
Then what's the origin of the alien?
2. It's evolving from life on the earth.
From what life it evolved from? How did the life come out at the very beginning.

Once we have the answer. we can ask again: where is that from? If we keep probing and tracing back, we will need to figure out why there was Big Bang or we'll find something that is far astonishing. In my opinion, both findings are about the origin of the universe.

There is one less difficult question: what is life. We already have a definition...... But is every object, for example, stone, sand, etc, a form of life? From our definition, No. But that's just our definition.

Then it comes a model.
Assuming we can develop a complex system in computer. In this system, some programs can modify (evolve) itself. They can probe the system where they're. They can give definitions to what they "observe". Doesn't that sound like an intellectual life? Then we only need to figure out a way to observe that those programs have the abilities of doing these.

Maybe we're living in such a system. It's not necessarily be a computer in somewhere though.

Setting up PPTPD on Linux

I used to have a VPN on Linux. It is running PPTPD on CentOS 5  on a OpenVZ. It used to work fine but last week I found it didn't work any more. I checked the configuration and the iptables and didn't find anything wrong. I also contacted the VPS vendor and couldn't solve this issue. At last I reinstalled the OS and start everything from scratch. When I went on to the setting of the new server, I found the possible reasons why it didn't work before.

I first set up the PPTPD with the standard step, similar to this link. And I connected to it from my iPhone and it worked. What it didn't work is to open web pages and ping to external IPs didn't work either. I sent an email to the vendor asking them to look into the iptables issues and I went on other settings. I add "ALL:ALL" to /etc/hosts.deny and "sshd:ALL" to /etc/hosts.allow. I changed the pam (/etc/pam.d/system-auth). I also modified iptables in aim of making it more secure. After doing this, I found that it didn't work again. It just looks like what I had encountered. I looked at the log. There was only message when PPTPD started. Nothing else is there. I believed some of the settings failed it. Then I rolled back the settings and it worked. I made the one change at a time and tested if everything is fine. And I found:
1. "ALL:ALL" in /etc/hosts.deny fails PPTPD. I believes it is also the reason why I couldn't connect and had to reinstall the OS. And I added a line "pptpd:ALL" to /etc/hosts.allow and it worked.
2. pam may also failed the authentication. I made the change according to this link. And the iPhone failed to connect to the vpn. I also looked at the log. It showed that PPTPD received requests.
3. the name of network card. The name should be venet0. But I used eth0 in all iptables settings. And that is why I couldn't open web pages or ping to any IPs.

A LLVM Pass to Detect Memory Leak

I started to write this pass at the time when I looked into LLVM. Besides documents, source codes, practice is also important in studying a new thing.

With this pass, I wanted to track the dynamic memory allocation and release and it could be used to detect memory leak. I will just call it MemoryLeakDetector. It is used to analyze a C program and the source code has to be translated to LLVM IR.

The basic idea is to replace the function call to malloc() and free() with __m_malloc() and __m_free(). The new functions allocate and free memory just as malloc() and free(). But they keep track of those allocated memory. So that we can know what memory is not free'd before the program exists. The results are printed to standard output. From the results, we know the address and size of the unallocated memory, and the call stack with  file name and line number where the memory is allocated.

I needed to solve two major problems. First, replace the function calls. Second, get the call stack and the source code information. I'll address them one by one.

1. Replace a function call in LLVM.

I used a ModulePass. This is what is done in runOnModule().

bool is_change = false;
Function *custom_malloc = NULL;
Function *custom_free = NULL;Module::FunctionListType &functions = m.getFunctionList();
vector to_replace_functions;

for (Module::FunctionListType::iterator it = functions.begin(), it_end = functions.end(); it != it_end; ++it) {
    Function &func = *it;
    if (func.getName() == "malloc") {
        FunctionType *ft = func.getFunctionType();
        custom_malloc = Function::Create(ft, func.getLinkage());
    } else if (func.getName() == "free") {
        FunctionType *ft = func.getFunctionType();
        custom_free = Function::Create(ft, func.getLinkage());
    } else if (func.getName() == "main") {
         // add the initialize to the main function
         //main function's arguments.
         Function::arg_iterator arg_it = func.arg_begin();
         Argument &argv = *arg_it;// create new function
         Type *new_func_return_type = Type::getVoidTy(m.getContext());
         Type *new_func_arg_type = argv.getType();
         ArrayRef new_func_arg(new_func_arg_type);
         FunctionType *inserting_func_type = FunctionType::get(
             new_func_return_type, new_func_arg, false);
         Twine function_name("__m_set_executable_file");
         Function *inserting_func = Function::Create(inserting_func_type,
         GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, function_name, &m);

          // insert the new function
          BasicBlock &entryBlock = func.getEntryBlock();
          ArrayRef argv_value(&argv);
          Instruction *new_inst = CallInst::Create(inserting_func, argv_value,"");
          CallInst *ci = cast(new_inst);

for (vector::iterator it = to_replace_functions.begin(), it_end = to_replace_functions.end(); it != it_end; ++it) {
    Function *func = *it;
    Function *replace_func = NULL;

    if (func->getName() == "malloc") {
        replace_func = custom_malloc;
    } else if (func->getName() == "free") {
        replace_func = custom_free;

    if (replace_func != NULL) {
        m.getFunctionList().insert(func, replace_func);

        while (!func->use_empty()) {
            CallSite CS(func->use_back());
            vector args(CS.arg_begin(), CS.arg_end());
            Instruction *call = CS.getInstruction();
            Instruction *new_call = NULL;
            const AttrListPtr &call_attr = CS.getAttributes();

            if (InvokeInst *ii = dyn_cast(call)) {
                new_call = InvokeInst::Create(replace_func,
                    args, "", call);

                InvokeInst *inv = cast(new_call);
            } else {
                new_call = CallInst::Create
                    (replace_func, args, "", call);
                CallInst *ci = cast(new_call);
                if (ci->isTailCall())


            if (!call->use_empty()) {

             is_change = true;

return is_change;

First, iterate through all the function definitions and the declarations in the current module. When there is one function with the name "malloc" (it is the same to the function "free"), creates a new declaration with the same function type, same linkage and same attributes but a new name "__m_malloc". Because if there is a function declaration in the current module, there should be at least one call of that function in the current module. Once I have the function to replace, I find out where the function to replace is called (CS) and the instruction to call it (call). Then I create a new instruction to call the new function (new_call) with the arguments to the old function, and set the attribute and the calling convention. Then I replace the instruction (replaceAllUseWith).

This is a pass of LLVM. So it can be used by opt. To use it, compile the C program to .bc file by using clang and then apply this pass to it to get a new .bc file. After that, use clang to link them with the necessary object files or libraries. So the executable file will call __m_malloc() and __m_free() instead of malloc() and free().

2. Memory Management.
After replacing malloc() and free() with __m_malloc() and __m_free(), we can implement our own memory management mechanism. Since my goal is to detect memory leak, I don't do my own management. Instead, I call malloc() and free() in the new functions. But I also do some bookkeeping. After malloc() is called, I put the new allocated memory's address and the call stack into a map. This map maps a memory address to a call stack. The call stack is the necessary information to allow me to get the line numbers. After free() is called, the address is removed from the map, which means that the memory is released. So before the program exists, I just need to iterate through the map to know what memory is not released and where the memory is allocated.

3. Get the call stack.
To get the call stack, I use the library libunwind. It provides API to get the call stack. Here is what I do to get the information. It is similar to the example code.

CallStack *cs = new CallStack;
unw_cursor_t cursor;
unw_context_t uc;
unw_word_t ip, sp;unw_getcontext(&uc);
unw_init_local(&cursor, &uc);

while (unw_step(&cursor) > 0) {
    unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_REG_IP, &ip);
    AddressDesc al;
    al.current_pc = ip - 1;
    al.size = size;

What is really needed is the IP, the program counter. The above code iterates through the call frames and push the IP values to cs. And this cs has the enough information that allows us to find out the call stack where the memory is allocated.

4. Get the line number
From (2) and (3), the non-released memory and the call stack is known before the program exists. But how to convert the call stack to the line number?
There is a library bfd to do this. GDB and addr2line are using it to convert an address to the line number. There is no standalone library, but the functionality is integrated into binutils. I modify the addr2line code so that it works in my code. What addr2line does is to read the binary and its symbol table. For a given address, it goes through sections in the binary and finds the nearest line that matches the address. Here is the code I modify and the necessary header file. It can be compiled as a library.

#include "getopt.h"
// #include "libiberty.h"#include "string.h"
#includeusing namespace custom_memory;
using namespace std;

    /* Options passed to cplus_demangle (in 2nd parameter). */const static unsigned DMGL_NO_OPTS       =  0;              /* For readability... */
    const static unsigned DMGL_PARAMS        = (1 << 0);            /* Include function args */
    const static unsigned DMGL_ANSI          = (1 << 1);            /* Include const, volatile, etc */
    const static unsigned DMGL_JAVA          = (1 << 2);            /* Demangle as Java rather than C++. */
    const static unsigned DMGL_VERBOSE       = (1 << 3);            /* Include implementation details.  */
    const static unsigned DMGL_TYPES         = (1 << 4);            /* Also try to demangle type encodings.  */
    const static unsigned DMGL_RET_POSTFIX   = (1 << 5);            /* Print function return types (when present) after function signature.  It applies only to the
toplevel function type.  */
    const static unsigned DMGL_RET_DROP      = (1 << 6);            /* Suppress printing function return types, even if present.  It applies only to the toplevel
function type. */
    const static unsigned DMGL_AUTO          = (1 << 8);
    const static unsigned DMGL_GNU           = (1 << 9);
    const static unsigned DMGL_LUCID         = (1 << 10);
    const static unsigned DMGL_ARM           = (1 << 11);
    const static unsigned DMGL_HP            = (1 << 12);            /* For the HP aCC compiler; same as ARM except for template arguments, etc. */
    const static unsigned DMGL_EDG           = (1 << 13);
    const static unsigned DMGL_GNU_V3        = (1 << 14);
    const static unsigned DMGL_GNAT          = (1 << 15);/* If none of these are set, use 'current_demangling_style' as the default. */
    const static unsigned DMGL_STYLE_MASK    =

    const char *TARGET = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu";

    inline size_t get_file_size(const char * file_name)
        struct stat statbuf;

        if (stat(file_name, &statbuf) < 0) {
            if (errno == ENOENT)
                cerr << "No such file: " << file_name << endl;
                cout << "Warning: could not locate " << file_name << ", reason: " << strerror(errno) << endl;
        } else if (!S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode))
            cout << "Warning: " << file_name << " is not an ordinary file." << endl;
        else if (statbuf.st_size < 0)
            cout << "Warning: " << file_name << " has negative size, probably it is too larget." << endl;
            return statbuf.st_size;

        return static_cast(-1);

    inline void set_default_bfd_target(void)
        /* The macro TARGET is defined by Makefile.  */
        const char *target = TARGET;

        if (!bfd_set_default_target(target))
            cerr << "can't set BFD default target to " << target << " : " << bfd_errmsg(bfd_get_error()) << endl;

} // namespace

struct AddressLine::InternalData
    InternalData() :

        if (syms != NULL)

        if (abfd != NULL)

    asymbol ** syms;
    bfd *abfd;
    bfd_vma pc;
    const char *filename;
    const char *functionname;
    unsigned line;
    bfd_boolean found;
    const char *target;
    const char *path_pointer; // pointer to the path's internal data, used in c interface.
    string path;

AddressLine::AddressLine() : data(new InternalData)

AddressLine::~AddressLine() = default;

void AddressLine::set_path(const string &_p)  // public
    data->path = _p;
    data->path_pointer = data->path.c_str();

bool AddressLine::init()                                  // public
    if (get_file_size(data->path_pointer) < 1) {
        cerr << "Failed to get file size.n";
        return false;


    data->abfd = bfd_openr(data->path_pointer, data->target);

    if (data->abfd == NULL)
        cerr << "Failed to open the file: " <path << endl;
        return false;

    /* Decompress sections.  */
    data->abfd->flags |= BFD_DECOMPRESS;

#if 0
        if (bfd_check_format(data->abfd, bfd_archive)) {
            cerr <path << ": cannot get addresses from archive" << endl;
           return false;

    asection *section;
    char **matching;

    if (!bfd_check_format_matches(data->abfd, bfd_object, &matching)) {
        cout << "Warning: check bfd format. "<< data->abfd << " : " << bfd_errmsg(bfd_get_error());

        if (bfd_get_error() == bfd_error_file_ambiguously_recognized)

         return false;

    return slurp_symtab();

bool AddressLine::slurp_symtab()
    long storage;
    long symcount;
    bfd_boolean dynamic = FALSE;

    if ((bfd_get_file_flags(data->abfd) & HAS_SYMS) == 0)
        return false;

    storage = bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound(data->abfd);

    if (storage == 0) {
        storage = bfd_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound(data->abfd);
        dynamic = TRUE;

    if (storage < 0)
        cerr <path << " : " <abfd) << " : " << bfd_errmsg(bfd_get_error()) << endl;
        return false;

    data->syms = (asymbol **) malloc(storage);
    if (dynamic)
        symcount = bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab(data->abfd, data->syms);
        symcount = bfd_canonicalize_symtab(data->abfd, data->syms);

    if (symcount < 0) {
        cerr <path << " : " <abfd) << " : " << bfd_errmsg(bfd_get_error()) << endl;
        return false;

    return true;

#define xvec_get_elf_backend_data(xvec) ((const struct elf_backend_data *) (xvec)->backend_data)
#define get_elf_backend_data(abfd) xvec_get_elf_backend_data((abfd)->xvec)
// #define bfd_get_flavour(abfd) ((abfd)->xevc->flavour)

SourceInfo AddressLine::get_source_info(size_t address)   // public
    SourceInfo si;
    const struct elf_backend_data * bed;
    data->pc = address;

    if (bfd_get_flavour(data->abfd) == bfd_target_elf_flavour
        && (bed = get_elf_backend_data(data->abfd)) != NULL
        && bed->sign_extend_vma
        && (data->pc & (bfd_vma) 1 <s->arch_size - 1)))
        data->pc |= ((bfd_vma) - 1) <s->arch_size;

    data->found = false;

    if (data->found) {
        while (1) {
        const char *name;
        char *demangled_name = NULL;

        name = data->functionname;

        if (name == NULL || *name == '')
            name = "??";
            demangled_name = bfd_demangle(data->abfd, name, DMGL_ANSI | DMGL_PARAMS);

            if (demangled_name != NULL)
                name = demangled_name;

            si.function = name;

            if (demangled_name != NULL)

            si.file = ((data->filename != NULL) ? data->filename : "??");
            si.line = data->line;
            data->found = bfd_find_inliner_info(data->abfd, &data->filename, &data->functionname, &data->line);

            if (!data->found)

    return si;

void AddressLine::bfd_map_over_sections(bfd *abfd)
    asection *sect;
    unsigned int i = 0;

    for (sect = abfd->sections; sect != NULL; i++, sect = sect->next)
        find_address_in_section(abfd, sect);

    if (i != abfd->section_count)    /* Debugging */
        abort ();

void AddressLine::find_address_in_section(bfd *abfd, asection *section)
    bfd_vma vma;
    bfd_size_type size;

    if (data->found)

    if ((bfd_get_section_flags(abfd, section) & SEC_ALLOC) == 0)

    vma = bfd_get_section_vma(abfd, section);

    if (data->pc < vma)

    size = bfd_get_section_size(section);
    if (data->pc >= vma + size)

    data->found = bfd_find_nearest_line(abfd,
    section, data->syms, data->pc - vma, &data->filename, &data->functionname, &data->line);

void AddressLine::list_matching_formats(char **p)
    cerr <path << ": Matching formats:";
        cerr << " " << *p++;
    cerr << endl;

I created the header file elfbfd.h. It contains the macros, type declaration and function declaration extracted from binutils for ELF file format. It is a big file and all come from binutils so I don't paste it here.

5. Set the executable file.
When the program exists, the non-released memory is in the map and so is the call stack. By using the IP in the call stack and (4), it is easy to get the file and line number, as well as the function name. But we still need to read the executable file first, that is, the running program itself. So let's look back at the pass (1). In the pass, when it detects there is a function main() in the module, it creates a new function __m_set_executable_file, and then creates a call instruction and adds this instruction to the entry block.  __m_set_executable_file() will eventually call AddressLine::set_path(). __m_set_executable_file() receives the argv[] arguments passed to main and argv[0] is the name of the program. It also needs to get the absolute path of the program and pass this path to AddressLine::set_path().

Final thoughts

The above is the step I did in the project. There are still a lot to be done to make it more useful. There are some limitation though.
1. The pass is applied to .bc file. So one needs to compile the C source code to .bc file, runs opt to apply the pass and links the file. This may be addressed by converting it the a plugin to clang.
2. It only detects memory leak in the code that is compiled and linked by the above steps. If a library is used and is not compiled and linked as such, the memory leak in the library code won't be detected.
3. When linking, it has to link to a new library (2), (3), (4). I think this can be addressed by implementing a plugin to clang.

And note that IP is the address of next instruction. So if you pass IP directly to (4) AddressLine::get_source_info(), you will get the the line number of the next line where the function is called. I found passing IP - 1 works fine, but needs to figure out why. I think this may have something to do with the instruction length. And I don't know how it works in instruction branching.